Home » Biking to Johnston Canyon

Biking to Johnston Canyon

by Chris Smith

Great news for those that love to bike without having to dodge cars in Banff. The 1A is open to Cyclists again without vehicle traffic all the way to Johnstons Canyon Resort. The best place to start is at The Fenlands Banff Recreation area where you can park your car and get on your way.

It’s a 24 km or 15-mile ride one way to Johnston Canyon Resort. There are a few small hills but you don’t have to think your in a race so go at a relaxed pace and feel the wind blowing through your hair.

There is a shorter route starting at Castle Junction only 6.4 km or 4 miles which is flat and may be easier for families with little kids that are trying out cycling.

Enjoy the ride!

A few things to remember before riding

  1. Bring water either in bottles on your bike or a water bladder in your backpack. There is no water source while on the road.
  2. Check your bike and make sure it’s working, chain lubed, brakes and all bolts tightened. Bring your spare tube, pump, and tools with you.
  3. Make sure you have a helmet. It only takes a simple fall to hit your head and suffer a concussion or worse.
  4. Clothing should be layered as we say with all things in the Canadian Rockies, be prepared for what can happen rain, snow, wind and sun.
  5. Sunscreen, yes the sun can be very strong and you might not think it is just put some on.

Aydin Odyakmaz

Aydinodyakmaz.com Photography & Video

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